Our Vision

Based on the decades of experience of our partners around the world, COC has created its own vision on social change. As we see it, social change occurs when interventions are executed within five connected pathways (see the information in different colors below). Each pathway is just as crucial as the others, and each pathway provides a fundament for the others.  For each pathway, COC has identified steps and interventions for getting from one stage to the next in achieving social change.


We commonly share our vision with our partners in over 35 countries as a basic working model. Those partners can use this vision by adapting it to their own local context. The vision is by no means a blue print. Rather, it is adaptable to any organisation, anywhere around the world. As it is based on their years of experience and the lessons learned by our partners in all types of political and social contexts, our vision is an enabler, allowing an organisation to work more strategically towards social change. Our vision is based on the Theory of Change.

Empowered LGBTI people
Strong LGBTI communities
Capable LGBTI organisations
Mobilised LGBTI movement
Global Human Rights
Social change starts with individual LGBTI people who no longer accept being marginalised but decide to take action. Individual stories raise public awareness and expose the level of exclusion in society. Empowered LGBTI individuals serve as role models for others, and their actions form important steps in the creation of LGBTI communities. How do we think this works? Here are a few of our assumptions: “Empowered LGBTI people experience less psychological pressure and stress, adopt healthier lifestyles and show less (sexual) risk behaviour” (Letter B in the graphic below) “LGBTI people who are active in the public sphere are positive role models and lead to “normalisation” in the media and in public opinion” (Letter F in the graphic below) “Professionals are best influenced through their peers who have already been sensitised: police officers through police officers, nurses through nurses, etc.” (Letter H in the graphic below)