for LGBT Emancipation in the Dutch Caribbean

The Pink Orange Alliance is a collaboration between Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) organizations on Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius, Saba and COC Netherlands aimed at improving the position of the LGBT communities in the Dutch Caribbean. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is characterized by the uniqueness of the four independent countries and the three oversee territories it consists of.

Organizations in the Dutch Caribbean undertake activities to strengthen the LGBT community on their island, raise awareness about sexual diversity and liaise with relevant stakeholders. The LGBT movement in the Dutch Caribbean is young but characterized by strong leaders, who are intensively working towards equality and emancipation for LGBT in the Dutch Caribbean.

COC Netherlands and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science have been partnering with and supporting the LGBT movement in the Dutch Caribbean since 2012.