The Power of Pride alliance brings together COC, Pan African ILGA and ILGA Asia in a five-year partnership (2021-2025) with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the goal of working towards diverse and inclusive societies in which LGBTI are able to participate to their full potential. Power of Pride is based on strengthening LGBTI communities and civil society and engaging in LGBTI lobbying and advocacy for laws and policies respectful of sexual and gender diversity. Power of Pride focuses on the African and Asian regions with direct grant-making to partners in 22 countries.
Pan African ILGA (PAI) and ILGA Asia are the regional chapters of ILGA World (International Lesbian and Gay Association) and represents more than 250 LGBTI community-based organisations on the two continents.
To give shape to this programme, the Power of Pride alliance developed a Theory of Change that represents the envisioned social change we want to bring about on 6 different levels : individual, community, organisation, movement, allies and laws and policies. This model is adapted to the realities of each of the 22 focus countries by the local partners, in order to take into account the specificities of their own context.
The Power of Pride programme is based on 8 core principles:
- Inside-out : Local LGBTI organisations and activists are experts of their context and best informed to define their priorities.
- Local Ownership and decision-making power : Those affected by a decision are involved in the decision. Decentralised decision-making – as local as possible as global or regional as necessary
- Participatory Grant-making : decision-making on partner selection, budget allocation, priority and indicator-setting will be incrementally moved into the hands of Power of Pride partners
- Inclusion : Power of Pride wishes to benefit the groups which are traditionally underserved : LBQ, intersex, trans groups or people living with a disability, far from urban centers etc.
- Accessibility : Ensuring that funding remains accessible for small and informal groups and initiatives. This requires different levels of administrative requirements, working with different languages and adapting our approaches to the needs of different types of groups/organisations/networks.
- Flexibility : Ensuring that decision-making processes allow for quick response in case of changing situations, emergencies, changes in strategies proposed by partners based on context.
- Transparency : Ensuring open and honest communication about decisions including to partners, accessible documentation of decisions and processes, clarity and openness about limitations of the programme to partners and non-partners, and other stakeholders.
- Accountability : To all members of the Alliance, to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to COC, PAI and ILGA Asia’s memberships and to the broader LGBTI movement.
We work with our in-country partners in 22 countries to train and develop their community-building skills, strengthen their organizational structures and their advocacy work. The Dutch embassies in the various countries are stakeholders in the partnership. The Power of Pride also supports regional and international lobbying and advocacy and engages in human rights mechanisms such as the UPR review and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights.