Empowered LGBTI people

Social change starts with individual LGBTI people who no longer accept being marginalised but decide to take action. Individual stories raise public awareness and expose the level of exclusion in society. Empowered LGBTI individuals serve as role models for others, and their actions form important steps in the creation of LGBTI communities.

How do we think this works? Here are a few of our assumptions:
“Empowered LGBTI people experience less psychological pressure and stress, adopt healthier lifestyles and show less (sexual) risk behaviour” (Letter B in the graphic below)
“LGBTI people who are active in the public sphere are positive role models and lead to “normalisation” in the media and in public opinion” (Letter F in the graphic below)
“Professionals are best influenced through their peers who have already been sensitised: police officers through police officers, nurses through nurses, etc.” (Letter H in the graphic below)

Rencontre entre le Secrétariat de la Pan Africa ILGA et les

Le 13 janvier 2022, le Secrétariat de la Pan Africa ILGA (PAI) et le Conseil d’Administration ont organisé une réunion stratégique nationale avec ...

La Pan Africa ILGA organise une formation sur les

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Pan Africa ILGA hosts Human Rights Mechanisms training for

Pan Africa ILGA (PAI) conducted the Human Rights Mechanisms Training from the 1st to the 5th of November 2021 for  LGBTIQ+ advocates* (28 in-person ...

Pan Africa ILGA Secretariat meet up with Uganda member

On January 13th, 2022, the Pan Africa ILGA (PAI) Secretariat and the Board held an in-country strategic meeting with PAI member organisations representatives ...

Intensification du développement des Centres

Les groupes Trans* et intersexes du Kenya ont des difficultés à trouver, demander et mettre en œuvre des financements. De nombreux groupes Trans* et ...

Scaling-Up Centres Of Excellence for Advocacy and

Trans* and Intersex groups in Kenya face barriers to finding, applying for, and implementing grants. Many nascent Trans* and Intersex groups in the country ...

Investir dans la nouvelle génération de leaders LGBTIQ en

Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) a ouvert l’Académie de Leadership pour les jeunes leaders du mouvement LGBTIQ en Ouganda, baptisée la SMUG Quchu ...

Investing in the next generation of LGBTIQ leaders in Uganda

Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) launched a Leadership Academy for young leaders in the LGBTIQ movement in Uganda, dubbed the SMUG Quchu Leadership Academy ...

Travailler « Main dans la main » au Bénin

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Working « Hand in Hand » in Benin

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