Supporting LBQ entrepreneurs in Guyana : Francesca and
With the support of COC, Guy Bow ran an economic empowerment project for the LBQ community in Guyana. By providing business training and small loans, they ...
Coming Out in Belize
Kiki is a 24-year-old Belizean who came out three years ago to her mother. She comes from a deeply religious background and has a young son back from what ...
Building Self-Worth and Confidence in Ghana
This story is about three lesbian women from Ghana, who have both found self-worth and confidence in sticking up for their rights since joining the community ...
Celebrating Lesbian Visibility Day in Bobo Dioulasso
In a context where LBQ women are invisible and threatened by the majority of Burkinabe society, it is a challenge to gather and be visible. Most LBQ women ...
The Effectiveness of Change Within AVAF Cameroon
AVAF (Association pour la Valorisation de la Femme) is a lesbian organisation founded in 2015 in Yaoundé, Cameroon. From its inception, COC supported its ...
Facilitating Unfiltered Conversations in Safe Spaces, for
The activity on which this lesson learnt documentation process is focused on, can be summed up in one word, Conversations. The Conversations are intended ...
Putting LBQ-Women at the Forefront – the Birth of an
The story on the establishment of the first LBQ-led organisation in Belize and the creation of a culture of empowerment for LBQ-women in the country. This ...
Mobilisation des Femmes LBQ au Cameroun et en Afrique de
Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du programme PRIDE (Partenariat pour les Droits humains, l’Inclusion, la Diversité et l’Egalité) du COC Nederland, ...
Burkina Faso: Activities for LBQ women from Ouagadougou
Empowerment of LBQ women and Transgenders in Burkina Faso, through the work of a LBQ organisation in Ouagadougou, which organizes for instance soccers plays, ...
Vietnam: I am a Woman who Loves Women
A great serie of photography from Northern Vietnam where Women Loving Women (WlW) came out on social media. CSAGA’s social media campaign did reach ...